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Якщо у "Напрямок" обрати розділ, то буде відображено усі праці відповідно розділу
Якщо у "Напрямок" обрати спеціальність, то буде відображено фахівців спеціальності
Каталог праць

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Підрозділи: профайли

Науковці: Використовуйте початкові літери для пошуку

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Напрямок Кількість праць
Освіта/Педагогіка 92
011 Освітні, педагогічні науки
014 Середня освіта (фізика)
Культура і мистецтво 7
029 Інформаційна, бібліотечна та архівна справа
Гуманітарні науки 1359
032 Історія та археологія
033 Філософія
034 Культурологія
035 - Філологія
Соціальні і поведінкові науки 669
051 - Економіка
052 - Політологія
053 Психологія
Журналістика 84
061 Журналістика
Управління та адміністрування 1037
071 Облік і оподаткування
072 Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування
073 - Менеджмент
075 Маркетинг
076 Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність
Право 648
081 - Право
Біологія 150
091 Біологія
Природничі науки 630
101 Екологія
102 - Хімія
104 Фізика та астрономія
105 Прикладна фізика та наноматеріали
Математика та статистика 209
111 Математика
112 Статистика
113 Прикладна математика
Інформаційні технології 647
122 Комп'ютерні науки
125 Кібербезпека
Автоматизація та приладобудування 0
152 Метрологія та інформаційно-вимірювальна техніка
Публічне управління та адміністрування 4
281 Публічне управління та адміністрування
Міжнародні відносини 334
291 Міжнародні відносини, суспільні комунікації та регіональні студії
292 - Міжнародні економічні відносини

Результат пошуку

Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш

Фотографія відсутня Науковий ступінь: Доктор наук габілітований
Звання: Професор
Сфера діяльності: теорія та філософія сучасної політичної науки
Факультет: Факультет інформаційних і прикладних технологій
Підрозділ: Кафедра політології та державного управління
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7599-8552
Google scholar: немає
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55420133400
Web of Science: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/AAH-4097-2019
Корп.ел.пошта: a.modzheievski@donnu.edu.ua
Профайл: http://rang.donnu.edu.ua/?pg=kt&nu=167#search


Знайдено документів: 21
№п.п. Автор Назва публікації Спів.автори Видавництво Назва журналу Мова Рік Тип Запитів на цитування Файл

1 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Presidency of Aleksander Kwaśniewski in Poland (1995-2005): Competences, Decisions, Political Thought, In: Rethinking the Presidency Моджеєвскі А. Л. Gdańsk, Poland: University of Gdansk RETHINKING THE PRESIDENCY: Challenges and Failures англійська 2015 стаття 298
The paper is dedicated to political thought and decisions of Aleksander Kwaśniewski, the president of the Republic of Poland between 1995 and 2005. I will present Aleksander Kwaśniewski as a political decision maker and political visionary focusing on his activity in internal and international politics. He was an architect of the Polish political and constructional system and one of the most influential politicians in Poland. He created new of attitudes of the head of state. His presidency was during the time of political stabilization and consolidation of Polish democracy. Dialogue and conciliation were features of his political character. He tried to avoid political conflicts however he represented a clear political doctrine. He defined himself as a social democrat and social liberal.

2 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш The personalistic aspect of truth and dialogue in the context of Karol Wojtyła's philosophy: John Paul II's ethics of media Моджеєвскі А. Л. Gdańsk, Poland: University of Gdansk Communication Today англійська 2016 стаття 342
This article offers analysis of a personalistic dimension of truth and dialogue in normative ethics of media communication by Karol Wojtyła who is better known as Pope John Paul II. Karol Wojtyła was also a philosopher who was involved in the reflections devoted to epistemological issues, although it was not his main field of study. However, the issue of truth was often present in his philosophical and theological considerations. In Wojtyła’s earlier, pre-pontifical works, the reflection dedicated to the truth was a part of his anthropological and ethical conception

3 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш The European Union and Crisis of Values Моджеєвскі А. Л. Gdańsk, Poland: University of Gdansk Govering for the Future: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for a Sustainable World англійська 2016 стаття 361

4 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Od mystiky k fenomenológii.Teologicko-filozofické inšpirácie Karola Wojtylu Моджеєвскі А. Л. Slovakia, Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove Theologos польська 2016 стаття 271

5 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Wartości europejskie a problem uchodźców Моджеєвскі А. Л. немає Ruchy migracyjne : współczesna przestrzeń tolerancji i patologii польська 2016 анотація 314

6 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш W stronę politologii humanistycznej. Przyczynek do studiów nad znaczeniem interpretacji cywilizacyjnej w podejściu metodologicznym Andrzeja Jana Chodubskiego Моджеєвскі А. Л. Polska: Uniwersytet Gdański Cywilizacja i Polityka польська 2017 стаття 320
Uniwersytet Gdański jest jednym z najstarszych ośrodków politologicznych działających do dziś w Polsce. Utożsamiany jest z podejściem cywilizacyjnym w politologii. Zjawiska polityczne analizowane są jako elementy składowe transformującego się ustawicznie systemu cywilizacyjnego

7 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Catholic and Nationalist Populism in the Contemporary Poland Моджеєвскі А. Л. немає Perpective Politice англійська 2017 стаття 304
This paper is dedicated to Catholic and nationalist populism that has become a part of political party called Prawo i Sprawiedliwooeæ (Law and Justice), the faction which currently rules in Poland. This attitude of populism is characteristic also for its leader Jarosaw Kaczyñski who builds his political strategy on populist slogans concerning nationalist and Catholic elements. The level of populism has permanently been growing since the origin of PiS. The great power that supports these tendencies is the Catholic hierarchy

8 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш The Catholic Church and Polish Democracy. The Attempt of Normative Discernment Моджеєвскі А. Л. Polska: Uniwersytet Gdański International Political Science Conference "Development, democracy and society in the contemporary world" англійська 2018 стаття 324
This paper is an attempt of normative assessment of the involvement of the Catholic Church in political life in Poland. Position of the Church in Polish society and also in the public sphere is strong and goes beyond the role of an equal partner of participant of the public discourse. In many aspects, the Church or rather some of its officials and organisations play the role of an informal decision- maker that can effectively enforce its visions and interests. However, a general assessment cannot be unequivocal.

9 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Civil Society Organizations (CSO) as a challenge to Georgia's democracy consolidation Моджеєвскі А. Л. Poland: Trzeci Sektor Trzeci Sektor;44 (04/2018) англійська 2018 стаття 339
In the article, we try to present the general characteristics of Georgian CSOs.To this end, we present the CSO development process in Georgia, the basic categorization, opinions of researchers of civil society in Georgia on its current state and the challenges facing further development of these organizations. We also cite the results of research on the condition of Georgian civil society conducted within the framework of: Caucasus Barometer, Freedom in the World (Freedom House) or CSO Sustainability Index for Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia

10 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш So-called Realists vs. Cosmopolitans? The Black Sea Region in Programmes of the Main Polish Political Parties (The Law and Justice and the Civic Platform) Моджеєвскі А. Л. немає The 2nd Southeast Europe: history, culture, politics, and economy: proceedings of an international conference англійська 2019 стаття 295

11 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш The European Union in Political Thought and Practice of the Ruling Right Wing in Poland (2015-2019), Моджеєвскі А. Л. Bucharest, Romania: National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Political and Economic Unrest in the Contemporary Era англійська 2019 стаття 289

12 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш The Attitude of the Catholic Church in Poland towards to the Current Migration Crisis Моджеєвскі А. Л. Acad Organisation Environmental Engineering & Sustainable Development, European Journal of Science and Theology European Journal of Science and Theology англійська 2019 стаття 255

13 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Rule of Law in Poland – Integration or Fragmentation of Common Values? Mokrá, Lucia Juchniewicz, Piotr Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz Polska: Uniwersytet Gdański European Journal of Transformation Studies англійська 2019 стаття 256
The European Union treats the principle of the rule of law as one of the fundamental values of the European axiological system. The EU as a community of values treats the rule of law as a categorical imperative, which is an obligation for member states, which should respect it in an absolute way. The Treaty as well as the interpretation by EU institutions, particularly the Court of Justice of the EU, refers to this value and the obligation to implement it correctly. The recent Polish experience shows that the principle of the rule of law can be vitiated by governing powers. But this attitude has caused a reaction of European institutions protecting the principle of the rule of law, which is treated by them as a base for mutual trust.

14 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Podejście cywilizacyjne w badaniach politologicznych. Specyfika gdańskiej szkoły politologicznej Моджеєвскі А. Л. Вінниця: ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса Hаука, освіта, суспільство: реалії, виклики, перспективи польська 2019 стаття 293
Uniwersytet Gdański jest jednym z najstarszych ośrodków politologicznych działających do dziś w Polsce. Utożsamiany jest z podejściem cywilizacyjnym w politologii. Zjawiska polityczne analizowane są jako elementy składowe transformującego się ustawicznie systemu cywilizacyjnego

15 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш The universalistic concept of science in the philosophical and theological doctrine of Karol Wojtyla - John Paul II Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz Górzna, Sylwia Polska: Uniwersytet Gdański Modrzejewski and Górzna/European Journal of Science and Theology англійська 2012 стаття 290
The voice of Karol Wojtyla, better known as John Paul II, is very important among contemporary theologians and Catholic philosophers. Many times the Pope paid attention to scientific issues, i.e. scientific and technological development and its ethical consequences, relation between cognition and faith as well as the mission of the Science. His concept is becoming a universalistic idea, in its philosophical and ethical sense as well as in an institutional one. He often pointed at the universalistic character of Science in his papal documents and speeches. The core of Science is expressed by the postulate of searching a universal and absolute truth. It is a mission of humanities as well as sciences

16 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Aksjologiczna jedność a kulturowa różnorodność Europy w świetle filozofii społecznej Karola Wojtyły - Jana Pawła II Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz немає Studia Gdańskie англійська 2009 стаття 257

17 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Kościół a polityka. Rozważania wokół aktywności politycznej duchowieństwa rzymskokatolickiego podczas wyborów prezydenckich 2010 roku Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz Polska: Uniwersytet Gdański Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne англійська 2010 стаття 278

18 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Sustainable Development's Issues in the Light of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II's Political Philosophy and Theology Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz Polska: Uniwersytet Gdański PROBLEMY EKOROZWOJU – PROBLEMS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT англійська 2013 стаття 295
Philosophical and theological thought of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II was also concerned with ecological issues. Generally, it is a part of his ethical and moral consideration, becoming important element of his political philosophy and theology. Personalistic hermeneutics is a key for understanding his sustainable development conception. It sees a fundamental criterion of ethical and moral evaluation of diverse forms of activity in human being. Firstly, pro-ecological activity means directing human being towards good. Pope John Paul II noticed many dangers for man and environment. He was convinced that whole international community should be involved in finding solutions

19 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Towards European nation political fiction or political realism? Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz Polska: Uniwersytet Gdański European Journal of Science and Theology англійська 2013 стаття 232
The idea of European nation was created by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austrian aristocrat and promoter of European integration. His idea was based on certainty that European nation is a virtual fact (being). He regarded nation as a cultural community but he was convinced that the Europeans should build a common state – federation or confederation. When Kalergi formulated his concept, the idea of European nation had strong concurrent – rising nationalisms which were real barrier for integration projects. Generally, industrial – modern civilization was not a good period for universalizing and integrating activity. Nation state was uniformizing power which superseded universal community as well as regional and local societies. But transformation of civilization: from industrial to post-industrial and its political and cultural consequences, e.g. European integration, gives us a new opportunity and has changed our understanding of identity issues. That is why we should reconsider the i

20 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Deficit of truth in mass media and its consequence for a political and international sphere Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz Polska: Uniwersytet Gdański MEGATRENDS AND MEDIA англійська 2013 стаття 356
In this paper I am considering the political and international consequences of departing from the principle of truth in mass media. Based on the premises of correspondence theory of truth and its ethical implications, I assume that truth is the fundamental objective of communicative activities, including the media ones. Rejecting the principle of objectivism and objective truth in mass media is a result of their commercialization and accepting post-modernist viewpoint which perceives truth as a tool of trouble and threatens freedom. As a consequence of the phenomenon of departing from truth the crisis of civic political culture and universal values occurs

21 Моджеєвскі Аркадіуш Лукаш Effects of the (Eletronic) media on cognitive processes Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz Gálik, Slavomír Polska: Uniwersytet Gdański European Journal of Science and Theology англійська 2014 стаття 352
Authors of this paper argue that the process of recognition is not a simple correspondence between recognising subject and recognised object. According to them, language plays an important role in a process of recognition. Language as a system of signs signifies sensory perceptions otherwise viewed as a mixture of closely unidentified notions. It mediates and creates reality in a certain way. As well as being a system of signs, language is a communication medium. Similarly, but in a broader sense, media, such as print and electronic media, constitute also a semiotic and communication system. Every medium, by its nature (technological structure) has a different effect on man‟s recognition, for example, print strengthens a distance, visual imagination and abstract recognition. Electronic media strengthen hypertext and rhizomatic way of recognition with its own possibilities and risks. Possibilities may be represented by rapid gathering and hypertext interlinking of information, risks are